Friday, July 28, 2006

First Decent Long Run

I did my first decent long run in over 3mths tonight and much to my surprise and delight it didn't kill me and I felt pretty strong at the end of it. Thats given me a real boost to my confidence - at least now I know I can actually finish C2S and maybe sub 75 is a realistic target. I did 75:44 last year with just 6 weeks training and that 6 weeks training was the first and only training I had done since the previous years C2S. This year I'm only going to have 4/5 weeks training but at least I've got all the hard yakka I did late last year and early on in the year behind me.

Its nice reading everyones blogs again and its a great motivational tool for me. In my 3month hiatus I didn't even read blogs - I was tempted to come and read them but because I was sitting on my backside doing nothing I thought I'd torture myself with guilt reading how well everyone was doing. I'm not a competitive person but back early on in the year it was great measuring and comparing my results with everyone - now its a case of everyone having taken 2 steps forward and I've taken one back. I was slowly crawling my way from novice to intermediate and now I'm back to where I started once more - its nothing to beat myself up over but it still frustrates me like you can't believe.


Blogger Tesso said...

I know the feeling. It was such a struggle coming back from injury. I'm still nowhere near where I was at this time last year, and wonder if I ever will be.

Its only natural to compare yourself to others, especially those around your standard. It sure gets me down seeing that I've dropped so far back.

At least you are moving forward again ... its better than standing still (or sitting on your butt) like the greater majority of the population!

3:33 PM  

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