Saturday, January 07, 2006

53km's For The Week

This is the first time I've done 50+K's for a week so its a bit of an achievement for me - yay me!

I keep telling myself that I have to build up my longer run on the Sunday but running any longer then 60mins is becoming a bit of mental barrier for me. I've no doubt I can physically do it and have done it ( I ran for 75mins almost 2 weeks ago) but I'm getting to a point where I'm asking myself 'why do it?' Running for any longer then 60mins makes me go stir crazy! Last week I thought if I went and ran out in the boonies and got amongst nature it might invigorate me but all it did was make me realise how easy it is to roll an ankle on uneven ground and how easy it is to swallow an assortment of insects while running out in the open. I think I'm starting to get into a bit of a running rut!

11.5kms in 60mins on a 1 incline


Blogger Tesso said...

Why do it???? Because it makes you feel sooooo good afterwards!

I find it easier running longer distances when I'm in good company.

But also I find music helps, I rarely run on my own without my trusty iPod. Sometimes I actually run further than planned because I want to hear more of the music I've loaded onto it.

I'm sure once you start to run regularly over the hour you'll become used to it and the next mental barrier may be 90 mins or 2 hours.

Oh, and congrats on breaking 50k for the week!!!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Lulu said...

Well done on breaking the 50km barrier, that's great!

I like my long runs because you really feel like you've challenged yourself and won when you keep on going for 90 mins or 2 hours. It is a lot easier with someone else although I used to do most of mine on my own. I don't think I could do it on a treadmill though.. that would be tough.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Shane said...

We do it because we love the sense of achievement.

Sometimes when I am in a rut or feeling unmotivated I have a few days off. During this time I relax and read up on stuff associated with running, maybe some races I would like to do. Recently I have found that reading blogs keeps me wanting to get out there and rack up the miles.

Congrats on the 50k week thats a great effort

9:14 AM  

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