Friday, August 04, 2006

Catch Up

I woke up feeling like crap on Tuesday (snuffed up nose, little bit of fever and headache) but I went to work since I'm a real trooper - the Government depends on me and if I didn't go the whole country would have been thrown into disarray. I think my ordinary run on Monday night must have been because I was coming down with whatever this was. I got home and had a bit of a nanny nap and then tried to do my hill run on the treadmill later that night - it just wasn't going to happen. After about 1min of running on the treadmill I knew I couldn't do it, but I wanted to do some sort of exercise so I decided to turn my 30min hill run into a 30min hill walk which was still very hard work.

Apart from a bit of a runny nose I didn't feel too bad. I also started my new work schedule which means I start early in the morning and finish earlier in the afternoon - great news (no I'm not being sarcastic) I love getting home early and it doesn't bother me too much getting up early. I also get to miss the traffic which is a big plus. I did a decent run at a nice casual pace. I'm finding at the moment that I really suffer after about 15mins into my run for about 15/20mins but if I run through that difficult period I am ok and feel like I could keep going all day.

Same deal as Wednesday. Started my run feeling great but had a difficult middle section. When the going was getting tough 'Hey Ya' by Outkast came onto my mp3 - never really realised but this a good tune to run with - it really got me motivated. Told everyone at work I was going to Sydney for C2S and got the usual ' why are you going all the way to Sydney for a run?' questions. I didn't bother explaining!


Blogger Tesso said...

'Hey Ya' is one of my fave running songs. How can you not get a lift when it comes on!

Will you be running with music at C2S?

3:24 PM  

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