Pics - Barron Gorge National Park - Douglas Track
These photos are taken from the top of 'Glacier Rock'
Thats Mt Whitfield (Red & Blue Arrow Tracks) on the right of the photo and the Barron River in the middle right.
Mt Whitfield to the left of the photo and Cairns City in the middle.
I had to resize most of these photos but if you click on this one you should be able to see 'Green Island' in the middle. Even though it was an overcast day you could see right out to Green Island.
Mt Whitfield (home of Red & Blue Arrow) with Cairns City to right, airport to the top left and the outer Cairns suburbs to the bottom left.

The Douglas Track signpost for Glacier Rock and Speewah. If you keep going straight you take the McDonald Track which takes you to Kuranda (thats for next week).

Great to see you back running and blogging! Those are some great photos too. Looks like some tough hill training going on.
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