Mountain Climbing

Thats 'The Pyramid'. Its about 25kms south of Cairns on the outskirts of a small sugar town called Gordonvale. Its 922metres tall and I read somewhere once that its the tallest free standing mountain in the southern hemisphere (dunno if thats true or not). When I was younger and lived in the area I climbed it quite a few times but never took a camera to take some photos of the views you get from the mountain - this time I did. That pic above however I didn't take but I wanted to show the mountain in all its glory. Its a tough climb as its very steep in some spots and its hard go get good footing on some of the rock faces. I can't imagine how people run up and down! My mate and I started yesterday (Saturday) at about 2pm and it was still very hot and humid and both took 4 litres of water each.

That pic shows some of the rock faces you have to scale to climb the mountain. You can't really get a sense of how steep that one is but believe me it was tough - especially if your shoes don't have much grip.
That pic is from the very top and is looking south out onto the Great Diving Range. It was pretty scary taking that photo because I was standing right on the edge of a rocky ledge and its gets very blowy at the top. We got to the top at about 4-15pm and had a 30min break before we came back down. The views you get from the top are amazing. It was a bit cloudy yesterday which is unfortunate because when its a clear day you can almost see forever. There was times that I had to wait 5/10mins because a cloud would pass and I literally couldn't see anything.
This photo is the same as the second but taken from the very top. Its a bit annoying trying to take pics from the top because those trees get in the way. They need a tree lopper to come and cut them down! I've got a heap more photos which I will post in the next few days. For the record we got back to the car at exactly 6-00pm. So exluding our 30min break the whole exercise took 3hrs 30mins - the annual Pyramid Race (up and down with a 4km out and back run to the start line) is done in 1hr 20mins.
That would have been a tough climb it sure looks steep from the road.I never got a chance when I lived in Townsville to do the Pyramid race however I did get to do a 12 hr walk up Mt Bartle Frere (1700m) which was a long day.
Here's hoping that you get your wish and find some work back down South. It's a great time with plenty of great events coming up.
I think I changed my blog address since the last time you visited which was probably the reason for the crazy pop ups you got.
Good to see you are blogging a bit more regular and hopefully you will continue to do so.
Good post. I was wondering if I could steal some of the photos and text to put in a gordonvale page in our sort-of-new-version of our running guide. I would place it in a gordonvale page just hanging off our QLD page:
woah - you're famous - a comment from kev!!! anyway - that looked like a bloody tough run - but pretty cool. Hope the job search is going well!
Wow, I thoughts the pics were impressive. Then I saw a comment from our esteemed leader :-) I can't say I've ever noticed that on anyone's blog before!.
wow - great photos! Can you ride up there as well on road? That'd be a perfect little training ride - 25km to get there - slog yourself up it - 25km home ...
(scratch that - that's a stoopid idea)
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