Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Unofficial 5km TT

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself at the moment. I had originally intended to do a road circuit tonight but we've had storms all afternoon here and since I was feeling really good I decided to go to the gym and do a pre-set 5km run on the treadmill. I've only ever done one of these before and that was a week before C2S. The run sets out an incline from about the 2.8km - 3.7km mark but other then that its all flat.

I set out with the intention of running sub 24 which I thought was a realistic goal. The first 2mins I set out at 12.5km/h and then got to 12.8km/h which I think was about 4:41pace. After about 5mins I was feeling really good and went for 13km/h and thought I would keep that pace up until I got to the incline. I threw my towel over the monitor of the treadmill - I didn't want to know how long I had been running or when the incline was coming because at this state I was feeling awesome and just wanted to maintain my form and breathing and not worry about anything else. I could feel the incline kick in and it started to get tougher to run but I kept my pace the whole way through with little worry or distress! I was stoked! Anybody who knows me realises that I have a real problem with hills and inclines - they psyche me out and I really struggle with them. So, I had got through the incline at 13km/h and I spent about maybe a minute just recovering at that pace but I realised I still had plenty of gas in the tank and really wanted to bring it home as strong as I could. From then on I just kept putting up the pace and I did the last 5oometres at 15km/h with absolutely no problem at all. I finished in 23.13 and was left wondering what time I could have done if I had of been a little more aggressive and started off at a quicker pace.

I'm guessing after you run a couple of competitive races you learn how to pace yourself better but I always feel like I want to start off slower and finish off a race strong rather then really battling to come home. Having said that though you dont want to finish a race with gas still in the tank - its a bit of a balancing act.

5km in 23.13


Blogger Tesso said...

Woohoo - fantastic result!

Sounds like a good idea to try out that aggressive approach next time. You never know. The worst that can happen is it doesn't work.

10:46 AM  

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