Well I've neglected this place for the last 3 mths - a couple of reasons why: A. I had moved house which turned out to be a bigger ordeal then I had thought B. I had 4 weeks of being quite sick (thyroid problem) C. Little to no running done in the last 3mths due to A and B.
Its hard to believe but since mid April I've managed to put on a couple of kilos - I dont know how because its not like I ate junk food in that time. I never really needed to lose weight before I started running but it was nice to trim down. Obviously because I didn't get to train very much I've lost all my condition and aerobic capacity. In a matter of 3mths I am right back to where I started - so strange and incredibly disappointing. Its been such a struggle to try and get back into running now that I realise I have to work so hard to get back to where I was before all this.
I missed out on going to Sydney for the Half-Marathon because of my illness. The next big goal was the Gold Coast Half Marathon but I wasn't in any sort of shape to even attempt that. I was recovered from my illness by about the first or second week of June but by then I was really struggling with motivation. I think I was doing a 40/50min run once a week if I was lucky and maybe 3 or 4 quick 15min runs with the dog around the block.
I was in a real running rut and even contemplated giving it away alltogther. But two of my mates reminded me a couple of weeks ago that we had commited to City 2 Surf earlier on in the year and that we had to honour that. Its no secret that I love the City 2 Surf so I decided I needed to really smarten up my act and pull it together so I could run a respectable time.
One of the things I've found really hard since I moved into the house is that its tough going for a run when I get home from work. I'm not the type of person who can go straight from work to gym to do a run on the treadmill - I need to come home and chill for half an hour before attempting any sort of physical exertion. Unfortunately for me my house is about 15mins from the city - so when I come home from work to go back into the city to gym thats another 30minute round trip and before you know it the night is over. So that leaves doing a road run - which I'm afraid I just don't enjoy. I dont care much for it (sorry running purists) - all that fresh air, feeling one with nature is just a big load of crap to me. But I understand it has its appeal to the majority of people.
So all this time that I was trying to work out how to get back into some sort of regime the clock was counting down to City 2 Surf and I still hadn't started any serious training. So I finally bit the bullet - I bought a treadmill. $3000 later I'm the proud owner of a snazzy new Tready. It didnt arrive until 2 weeks ago - so I've got 4 weeks to train for City 2 Surf! Not exactly ideal preparation.
The first night I got it I thought I'd have a crack at running 10kms in 52.30 which I thought was a realistic goal (only 3mths ago I ran a 10k PB of 46.14) how wrong was I. I was knocked up at 6.5kms and conceded defeat and quit. So its been a battle since then. But I've been consistent with my training and seen quite an improvement over the last week or so. I'm just so shocked that a 3mths break can result in such dramatic consequences.
Anyway, City 2 Surf here I come.