Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Official C2S Results

Offical time: 66.12
Placing: 2890th

Not too much difference from my watch time of 65.55 but would have been nice to been able to say I went under 66mins - I always use the official time in the record keeping.

I did a run on the treadmill tonight - the body has almost fully recovered from C2S and I put that down to wearing my skins the night after the run. One thing I have learned from the past month is that I can get just as fit running on the treadmill as I can running out with nature but I'm always going to be doing it tough in terms of aches and pains once I've done a road run - I might have to start incorporating a road run once a week to try and rectify this otherwise I can see myself doing an injury at some stage.

I felt good once I got going on the treadmill - I've been feeling really guilty the last few days as I've eaten more then my fair share of junk. Its amazing how your discipline can go right out the window once you start telling yourself you deserve it! I had intented to do just an easy 40mins but as I was feeling really good I went for 50mins . Very pleased with myself and glad I had the motivation to snap myself out of my little junk food binge and sloth stage.

I'm going to start logging my km's and times once again. I avoided it the last 4 weeks once I got back into the training as I was afraid if I saw it in black and white I might fear I hadn't done enough and start to overtrain. Now, I wish I had logged it because whatever I did (I cant really remember) it worked!

Kms: 10.3
Time: 50.00


Blogger Lulu said...

Congrats on agreat time. Shame I didn't see you around after the race.

You should definitely get a CR cap so we can track you down next time.

9:18 AM  

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